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Posts Tagged ‘Sports

Catalunya radio is a public radio network in Catalunya. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Catalunya, it is the region of Spain that Barcelona is located in. Catalunya radio consists of four stations:
Catalunya Radio- the first station founded by Catalunya Radio which broadcasts 24 hours a day
Catalunya Musica- plays classical and contemporary music which broadcasts 24 hours a day
Catalunya Informacio- all news station which broadcasts 24 hours a day
iCat fm- promotes traditional and contemporary culture

The Catalunya radio website has links to their blogs and other websites connected to them.
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the field trip to Catalunya Radio that my class took. I wish I did because I have been involved with a radio school back at Penn State so I would´ve found it to be very interesting.
My classmates told me that Radio Catalunya was extremely busy. They told me that there were constantly people typing and running around, which from my experience with any live broadcasts is standard. There are different floors inside the building for different purposes: weather, news, sports, etc. This reminds me of when I was an intern at Comcast SportsNet in Washington D.C. They had different sections of the office for the different parts of production, marketing, etc.
From what I know of Catalunya Radio it seems to be very well rounded and efficient. It has music, news, sports, and other things that are all broadcasted 24 hours a day! It can be interesting for almost any target audience as long as you find the right station.
I think this differs from radio at home because normally stations are all separated. Each individual radio station works its own functions and produces their own shows as opposed to having one company own multiple different types of stations. I think this can be more and less benficial. It is easier to make contacts and find talent; however, I like the radio stations at home that combine all of those aspects into one big radio station.

Citizen journalism is an aspect of journalism that often is not mentioned. Citizen journalism basically means that that someone who is not a trained or professional journalist is still revealing news stories. This has become popular recently with the uprising of blogs. Websites such as twitter and facebook have changed the way people receive their news. I have many friends who have a twitter solely for the purpose of being updated on sports and updated on what’s going on in the world around them.

I think citizen journalism is one of the greatest things to come out of Web 2.0. Although sometimes facts are not always accurate and they tend to be bias, they give a clearer and more basic view point on what is going on. They also deliver news instantly. We are becoming more of an information society than ever before.

I think that the concept of a citizen journalist is great. It gives everyone the change to share the news and helps our society to know more about what is going on. Citizen journalism offers a change for information to be shared in an informal way. The only real problem that I think can arise from citizen journalism is that some people have poor judgment in what is true and false. Many people could be reading information, believing its true, and spreading that information around when it could be completely false and misleading. This could cause problems in the future and I think our society desperately needs to become more educated on citizen journalism to better understand it and avoid making the mistake of absorbing bad information.


In class on Monday the focus of our session was Microblogging, or more specifically, Twitter! Twitter has recently taken over the online world, especially with the rise of celebrities and news sights and sports teams using them to promote themselves. Twitter is great because it is a quick and easy way to get your word out. It is personal without being over bearing. The main difference to me between Twitter and Facebook is that facebook is more personal. There are pictures and posts and you have to accept the friend request. For Twitter, the possibilities are endless. You can use Twitter to follow basically anything these days. If you want to get the most up to date news; it´s right in front of you. If you want to find out what is going on in a sports game; there it is. If you want to know what is going on with your favorite celebrity; it is right there!

Here is a video my teacher showed us in class called Twitter in plain English. You can tell it´s not fully up to date because it does not really mention the news and sports aspect which is now what is so appealing to many people.

People love twitter because it´s all your news and information summed up for you. Since posts can not be long, the information is compact and straight forward.  Everything is quick and easy, just the way our society likes it.

The other great thing about it is the ability to follow celebrities or other people of interest that you wouldn´t normally be able to know on a personal level. The celebrities tweet and it is right there for you to read! It is instant supply and demand.

The really cool thing about all the social networking is their ability to interconnect. You can connect your facebook and twitter. Every day on my facebook news feed I see posts that are people´s updated twitter statuses.

Twitter is a great way to connect and share in an easy and fast paced way. Almost everyone can update and check for updates of others from their phones.  Unfortunately, I do not have a Twitter otherwise I would post my address on here. I am planning on getting one some day, but for now I like to get my news the way I get it. I am always stubborn when it comes to these new trends so I try to avoid them as much as possible. I know that it is a great and useful tool but it´s just not for me right now. I know I´ll end up addicted one day though!

Also, here is a useful video on how to use Twitter, in case any of you would like to start!